Sunday, July 30, 2006

Is the American Government blamed for Qana massacre?

Early this morning more than 55 civilians ( aljazeera ) were killed by Israeli shelling to a shelter at Qana in Lebanon. Israel claimed that Hizbollah fired rockets from a place near to that house, but no single international report or finding supported this claim. Olmert, the Israeli PM, refused to start a ceasefire even after the massacre saying that Israel has not fulfilled its targets in Lebanon.Cond. Rice still stands firmly with Israel, without even condemning the attack.

CNN , as usuall, was reporting the Israeli story, which accused Hizbollah of firing rockets from inside civilian areas.

The shameful american role in this conflict is worth mentioning. Not only did the government of the USA supply Israel with hundreds of smart bombs, but it also worked to enable Israel to work freely, without the least international pressure to stop its assault on the lebanese , as well as Palestinian people.
This has been the story with the Palestinians, as well, except that we managed to bring more light on our suffering to the extent that the American government resorts to the
VETO to protect its strong ally Israel.

Many innocent people have been killed in Lebanon the last 18 days of 'war' with Israel, with the blessing and direct support of the USA government.
This massacre, together with what happened in Gaza
few weeks ago all leads to labeling the Americans as 'targets' for the many 'terrorist' groups. Americans are now being viewd as blind supporters to Israel, and much anger is being directed to them.

It is the policy of the government of the USA that is making life worse for millions of Palestinians and Lebanese. It is the policy of the Amrican government that is feeding terror as we clearly see.

I believe it is time for the American people to take action and push the American government to take balanced and 'just' positions that are NOT biased to any side of this conflict.

How do the American people feel when seeing such horrible assaults on civilians ? Is Israel always right and everyone else is a terrorist or an enemy of peace ???


At 9:13 PM, July 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post, as usual Osaid.
Today, Israel has shown the world that there is little difference between their policies of genocide than that of the nazis in Germany. They are determined to destroy the nation of Lebanon... starting with their women and children.
They can claim all they want that they gave 'prior warnings' to the bombings, bottom line is the dropped those bombs and knowingly killed innocent civilians. No lie can cover up that truth.
As far as the United States goes, they are no longer in complicity with Israel's war crimes... they are an equal partner! Ms Condi is in Israel right now 'overseeing' every bomb that is dropped... bombs, which by the way, were sent by the States just a few days ago.
There is no way that Israel and the States will be able to talk their way out of this one... when justice is finally served and they are both brought to trial in the Hague.

At 9:16 PM, July 30, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...


I am not in the aspect of defending or criticizing Hizbollah.

The 'documented facts' that you presented means nothing : it is the same Israeli story : terrorists are hiding between civilians when IDF bombs.

Were Hizbollah hiding in the UN post that was bombed few days ago killing 4 UN reporters ?? Were 'terrorists' hiding inside Gazan buildings when Israel targeted civilians ??

This is shameful.

This is not the point in my post : I was referring to the blind american support to the Israeli government. This has to be well studied and shown to the American people to tell them directly : why people hate USA.

KSM : I will publish a post solely for your point : Targeting civilians . I will show you the 'documented facts' supporting this fact. Soon.

Good day, and welcome again to my blog :)

At 9:21 PM, July 30, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...


This link (,,19955774-5007220,00.html ) that you provided surely means NOTHING.

LOOK at the pictures and eye witnesses in Qana and tell me if ANY hizbollah forces or missiles were there....

Were Hizbolla fighters hiding in Qana UN station in 1996 when Israel killed 100 civilians ??

At 9:33 PM, July 30, 2006, Blogger CochiseandSpurLethr said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 9:34 PM, July 30, 2006, Blogger CochiseandSpurLethr said...

Osaid here is one example of what I am talking about. I have a bunch more. But I believe this one page will answer your curiosity. Thanks for your reply OSAID. But I believe greater Israel is in full swing. Again Shukran Ikteer Osaid. Ebal Sorry here is the link..

At 10:05 PM, July 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Osaid - right. Let me just summarize the inferred conclusions of your words:
Israel is evil, Israel is targeting civilians because Israel is evil and likes killing civilians. Is that it?

The truth is plain for those with the eyes to see:

//Were Hizbollah hiding in the UN post that was bombed few days ago killing 4 UN reporters ?? //

No, but they were all AROUND that post, firing from behind it. Amply documented, the UN were begging their command to let them go because the terrorists were using them as shields.

//Were 'terrorists' hiding inside Gazan buildings when Israel targeted civilians ??//

Yes. Simple and plain affirmation. Same thing for Qana, and virtually any other IDF target.

But well, this is yet another paedophillia-style accusation. Enjoy your supporters (Ebal & co.) - I'm sure you'll be able to build a beautiful future together.


At 10:35 PM, July 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israli jets dropped leaflets for a whole week warning civilians to leave the area. Israeli Army representatives call the homes by telephone and warn the inhabitants to leave the area. If there were children in that building in Qana, they were forced to be there by Hezbollah by threat of death so that when they WERE bombed, Hezbollah could cry, 'See they kill children,' with the media moguls salivating. This is who they are. This is what they do.

At 10:37 PM, July 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And those that did 'flee' a few days ago had their bus bombed by the Israelis... have a leaflet for that as well?

At 5:12 AM, July 31, 2006, Blogger Tsedek said...

Osaid, there is ample evidence the hizb (and probably the hamas or other groups as well) are mingling within civilian society and misusing it.

The questions to be asked should not dwell on ignoring this but become more anaylitical: how can WE (you and me, Osaid) prevent more innocent deaths?

Facing up to an intern problem is a necessity if we wanna get any further towards safety for EVERYBODY....

Take care,

PS - the US just has the same outlook on things: not be blackmailed by terrorists - that's why Israel gets their support :)

At 9:38 AM, July 31, 2006, Blogger Terry Crane said...

Feel free to enjoy the moment of truth. First, the building was blown eight hours after Israeli airstrike, then the same "paramedics" were posing with the same poor girl to different photographers for 2 hours to get better media coverage. I cannot believe you guys in Lebanon don't know what's really going on

At 10:14 AM, July 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right Terry... the testemony of an Israeli Air Force officer is a most reliable source regarding any 'time gaps'.
Dream on with the rest of the folks who deny reality.
Reality being... Israel went too far and is GUILTY OF MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE!
No Ynet report can change that fact.

At 11:21 AM, July 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

IM y4kki you cannot apply your neoropschology studies to reality. With your line of reasoning any victim that is killed is killed because they just happened to be there. Life situations cannot be taken from textbooks or by fantasising... only by facts.
In this case,,,Israel bombed a building..60 people died. No lies or Israeli newspaper reports can change that FACT.

At 2:45 PM, July 31, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

idjiut :
Hello and welcome to my blog...
The civilian in Qana were warned to leave the city through leaflets and media. That was right.

There were NO reports to confirm that the Hizb was using civilian areas to fire rockets at Israel..

Anyway... This is not the discussion here.
Israel has killed those innocent people and you are defending killing civillians. That is surely wrong.

At 2:59 PM, July 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There were NO reports to confirm that the Hizb was using civilian areas to fire rockets at Israel../

Osaid, even the spineless, terrorist-enabling UN admitted repeatedly that Hizbollah are constantly using the civilians as shields. It's a simple fact - they've been doing it since the beginning of their terrorist activities. I have personally SEEN them do it back in the first Israel-Hizbollah war, and there is ample documentation of them doing so now. Much like Hamas and Fatah and the rest of the terrorist scum. Just read any news source that doesn't belong completely to terrorists.

Your selective blindness is telling.

At 11:59 PM, July 31, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

Raccoon :
Excuse me but looks like you are the blind here. The Hizb men are all lebanese resistants who chose this way conscioussly and willingly. They all have one thing in mind : to fight Israel. For them there are MANY reasons to make them fight Israel, and this is very obvious for you and me.

I do know that the Hizb has other Agendas in Lebanon, but this is not the scope or concern in my small coverage about the massacres your goernment is comiting in Lebanon.

Weather the Hizb started the war or Israel, this is NOT a major concern especially that Israel has never waited any chance to come to attack the Hizb and lebanon. These are facts : its war between you and the Hizb.

Talking about UN resolutions to disarm the Hizb seems very stupid known that your government has been ignoring UN resolutions regarding south lebanon for TENS of years.

Regarding my 'selective blindness' : My blog sound fair , at leats for me. I have been criticizing many of our mistakes without paying much attention to those who come to visit my blog just to make us ( the Palestinian people ) look like a bunch of terrorists or outlawers, or to make us look fighting for a cause where 'in fact there is none ' as Craig said !

You will see that I am not a selective blind . Just open your eyes, and mind.


At 12:03 AM, August 01, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...


You mentioned that Olmert expressed deep regret for the harm inflicted on civilians ...

look at what he said :
"Despite our sorrow for the civilians who were forced to evacuate their homes and flee away, and despite the unintentional casualties, we don't apologize because the residents of southern Lebanon know quite well that their enemy is Nasrallah and his associates".

This is quite shameful...
Yes, very shameful !

At 12:09 AM, August 01, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...


look at what Human rights watch says :

(Beirut, July 30, 2006) – Responsibility for the Israeli airstrikes that killed at least 54 civilians sheltering in a home in the Lebanese village of Qana rests squarely with the Israeli military, Human Rights Watch said today. It is the latest product of an indiscriminate bombing campaign that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have waged in Lebanon over the past 18 days, leaving an estimated 750 people dead, the vast majority of them civilians.

and :

Just because the Israeli military warned the civilians of Qana to leave does not give it carte blanche to blindly attack.
Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch

On July 27, Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon said that Israel had given civilians ample time to leave southern Lebanon, and that anyone remaining could be considered a supporter of Hezbollah. “All those now in south Lebanon are terrorists who are related in some way to Hezbollah,” he said, according to the BBC.

“Just because the Israeli military warned the civilians of Qana to leave does not give it carte blanche to blindly attack,” Roth said. “It still must make every possible effort to target only genuine combatants. Through its arguments, the Israeli military is suggesting that Palestinian militant groups might ‘warn’ all settlers to leave Israeli settlements and then be justified in targeting those who remained.”

( that was a wonderful comparison I believe )

At 1:27 AM, August 01, 2006, Blogger Oleh Yahshan said...

Osaid, if you're going to take the time to comment on a post in which Olmert's speech was translater and comment on a part of the speech, that you quote in the comments section, in which Olmert spoke of his sorrow for the loss of innocent life in Lebanon, you would do well not to come back and contradicting yourself by then MISQUOTING his words in your own post to prove some point. Olmert said:
""I am sorry from the depths of my heart for the loss of innocent life in Kfar Qana. We were not looking for them or wanting their deaths. We are fighting against an organization that is only bent on destruction."
"Citizens of Lebanon who are angry at Israel and at Israel's army for the damage we have caused you, know we are fighting the same enemy, Sheik Nasrallah and Hezbollah. We apologize for the loss of innocent life, but we will not apologize for fighting Hezbollah."
Why don't you stop using propoganda sources like PATV, Al-Manar, and Al-Jazeera, and actually pick up a legitimate news source. Or, at the very least, GET A DICTIONARY OR A TRANSLATOR!!

At 2:03 AM, August 01, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

HRW is an American org. The fact that they say the truth should not make you angry. They also criticized Hizbollah for targeting civilians, same as they critisized Israel for targeting civilians.

I guess that if I quote from the UN , you wont like it either.

If we do disagree on such basic points then we will not agree on any solutions or sggestions you talked about.

KSM : what was the suggestion you wanted to know my opinion about ? can you rephrase it plz ?

Thanks :)

At 2:24 AM, August 01, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

Terry :

this link you provided ,,7340,L-3283816,00.html#n

is bullshit !!
Is this the Israeli way of showing guilt and escaping from responsibilities ? through fabricating lies and illusions that THEY would then would feel good when they read it again ??
This is very stupid.
There were tens of reporters none of them pictures ANY hizb men or guns in that area. Proof the Hizb was there in Qana, not through lies but through documentations .

Raccoon : this is the same pedoph... thinking you were referring to when some guy said that the missile that hit the arab Nazereth was from the jewish part !!

At 2:28 AM, August 01, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

IM y4:

YESSSSS, I DO condemn the rockets that are targeting Haifa, Nazereth and all other civilian cities in Israel. I do also condemn the Kassams that are blindly fired at Sderot and other places and I do call for stopping firing them.

I also DO condemn targeting civilian Israelis in foreign Israeli consulates and representatives.

At 8:13 AM, August 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Return the two soldiers and stop firing rockets. That's it. No more bombs. No more civilians dying.

See the irony is what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it's over.

Why doesn't these proxies of Iran just end this senseless war right now? Just give the two soldiers back. That's it. It would be over and no one else would die.

At 8:48 AM, August 01, 2006, Blogger said...

Hi Osaid,

I don't want to comment on this thread, but rather on the actual question posed in your post.

I do think that many Americans (myself NOT included) support Israel and fall for the "terrorist" gimmick that is employed by the American government in order to control the masses. But I don't think they do it consciously.

Generally speaking, I think Americans are paralyzed with fear. Our government, our media, everything has fed us a steady stream of terror warnings in order to rally our support for whatever atrocities our government chooses to commit (directly or indirectly).

Yes, the majority of American Jews support Israel. But believe me, you get outside of New York and Los Angeles, and you'll find that most Americans aren't exactly pro-Jew. But that doesn't matter. Americans will do whatever they have to to protect themselves from a perceived threat (as humans tend to do), and according to the media EVERYTHING is a perceived threat. If you make someone afraid enough, they will do anything you suggest. This is the power of the media.

I don't think most Americans look at the deaths at Qana and feel nothing for the civilian life lost. But I think it's spun in the American media as the result of terrorism, which just makes them more afraid.

I don't think the question should be about the American population, but rather about the media and those making the decisions. If you assume that the majority of Americans are actually thinking for themselves, you are gravely mistaken. They are being held hostage by the media and the government. And they are not suddenly going to rise up against their own government, when they are perfectly content to remain in their little bubbles of fear, earning and consuming to their hearts' content, as long as they are safe from the "threat".

I don't think Americans are hateful or particularly dedicated to the Zionist cause (other than the psychotic Zionist Jews and fundamentalist Christians, who contrary to popular belief do NOT make up the majority of Americans). They are merely ignorant and lazy. Sad, but true.

But that's just my take on it.

At 12:22 PM, August 01, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

S.Pet :
Hello and welcome again tomy blog.

Thank you so much for your comment. It was of top importance.

good day

At 3:52 AM, August 02, 2006, Blogger Tsedek said...

~quote Osaid:
to make us ( the Palestinian people ) look like a bunch of terrorists or outlawers...

Osaid - I read this y'day orso and it has been stuck in my head, so here it comes :)

I don't know about other posters, but for myself, if I speak of terrorists I mean a very select, very small part of Palestinian society. NOT, I repeat, NOT "the Palestinian people".

I find this generalization business a very shamefull technique - I see it in the "zionist, imperialist" accusations towards Israeli's - and I'm a stenched oppositioner of such techniques.

Actually, personally I think those generalizations are what keeps the conflict going.

Fi amanillah,

At 4:42 PM, August 02, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

You are right ... We have to think befor we act, and this is NOT the current situation, we think AFTER we act.

Tsedek :
Yes, this 'generalization' thing is bringing us back.

Take care

At 6:12 PM, August 02, 2006, Blogger said...


I do not support terrorism in the name of Islamic principles, but I do want to make a point that the broad generalizations that Americans make automatically connecting Islam with terror is an injustice. I recommend reading Mahmoud Mamdani's Good Muslim, Bad Muslim, which addresses this issue and the historical evolution of this discursive phenomenon.

A brief perusal of the list of U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organizations reveals the names of several organizations other than the standard Islamic-based groups:

Please note: this is NOT my list. I'm just reproducing the American list to prove a point about Americans' lack of comprehension about what even their own government perceives to be terrorism. This is thanks to the media portrayal of the Muslim "threat". (The media, by the way, is intricately tied to the government, but I'll save that for another time.)

Aum Shinrikyo, Japan
ETA, Spain
CPP/NPA, Philippines
CIRA, Northern Ireland
Kahane Chai, West Bank, (Jewish extremist group)
KGK/PKK, Turkey/Iraq/Iran/Syria, (seeks Kurdish state)
LTTE, Sri Lanka
ELN, Colombia/Venezuela
PFLP, Palestine/Lebanon/Syria, (not Islamist!)
PFLP-GC, Syria, (not Islamist!)
Real IRA, Northern Ireland
FARC, Colombia
Revolutionary Nuclei, Greece
Revolutionary Organization 17 November, Greece
DHKP-C, Turkey, (Marxist-Leninist group)
Shining Path, Peru
AUC, Colombia

At 9:39 AM, November 22, 2010, Anonymous anti snore said...

Defense Minister Amir Peretz was also profoundly repentant for the fatal strike, saying, "this is a tragic incident that is a result of war.This is not the point in my post : I was referring to the blind american support to the Israeli government.

At 10:12 PM, February 19, 2017, Blogger Halı Yıkama said...

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