Saturday, June 10, 2006

More violence in the Middle-East : Gaza

" ... JERUSALEM (CNN) -- An Israeli navy gunboat fired shells onto a northern Gaza beach Friday, killing at least seven people and prompting the military wing of Hamas to call off a 16-month-old cease-fire with Israel. The Israel Defense Forces said it was firing on rocket-launching areas in Gaza after a militant attack earlier in the day. The target areas were believed to be uninhabited, a representative said ... " ( )

" ... An apology was initially issued to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz in which the IDF said it "regretted the strike on innocents," but Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, the IDF's chief of general staff, later said the military is investigating the possibility that it was not naval artillery that struck the beach ..... The IDF halted firing pending an investigation. ... "

Hamas has ended the cease fire that lasted 16 months by now...
It is very sad what is happening there : the situation after the Israeli withdrawal should have improved much, but it has not.

The Palestinian authority should put an end to the rocket firing that has been targeting Israeli villages near Gaza. Although it was obvious that Israel continued to target some Palestinian activists, still the Palestinian government had to end all these armed activities.

I don't know if we , as Palestinians, gain ANYTHING from such firings.

The very weakened Palestinian security forces were not able to control the situation, and this is surely related to the obstacles imposed by Israel. How can we blame the PAN for not being able to control the situation while every effort is being done to weaken its structures and capabilities ?

The situation now after ending this cease fire ( with Hamas ) can go very bad : worse than we can imagine.

Let's not just pray for a better tomorrow and start to think how we can control these events and put an end to the suffering that we see ( and probably will continue to see) .

What do you think might be the right thing to do ???


At 1:34 PM, June 11, 2006, Blogger Eitan Ha'ahzari said...

I think the right thing to do from the Palestinian perspective would be to hold the referendum that Abbas has been planning, vote for a peaceful resolution to the age-old conflict between our two peoples, and somehow go forwards full steam ahead instead of in spasmatic intervals.

In hope, Greg.

At 7:55 PM, June 11, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

Greg thanks for the comments
I live in Hebron ( Al-Khaleek ).

At 9:24 PM, June 11, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

Hello Steven...
Does it make a difference if it was a gunboat or an F-16 ? In the CNN it was reported that one of the IDF officials said that he was sorry for this accident. Regardless : few days later we will see
Did the Israeli Gov't start an investigation in the first place ??
I was reading about the referendum in aljazeera/english today, I will send you the link later

At 7:16 PM, June 12, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

.. I dont know what the investigation will present to those who are already dead, Steve.

Anyway, the whole situation is messed up and a lot of things are not clear.

Yes , I think we should think alittle before we start working on a joint blog. Let us have a month from now where we can see how working in a team ( this kind of type ) might look like. Meanwhile I will try to formulate some Ideas about how things should look like to the public : ideas.
nice day

At 7:26 PM, June 13, 2006, Blogger pm said...

Masa al khir min Fransa

Tsahal just knows humiliation.I think the army makes abuses of power ,illegal and illegitime towards real Israeli worthes.I hope the initiative of the Rais Mahmud Abbas will give to him the upper hand face to Olmert.

At 7:50 PM, June 13, 2006, Blogger pm said...

Thank you to have visited my blog(it was very probably you, with the mentioned flag of Jordan).
I hope you have liked it.

At 12:06 AM, June 14, 2006, Blogger ancient clown said...

I invite you to visit The POVERTY Business and About the Poor and leave your thoughts and comments as to how,if at all, this relates. I would also invite you to examine CAIN & ABEL with me.
You are free, of course, to view any and all of it, I'm only drawing your attention to these to start.
I don't think I know I just know I'm thinking.
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown

At 7:03 PM, June 14, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

I dont know how accurate are these reports ,Steve.
No international media reported any of what you said.

At 8:59 PM, June 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wallah neyal israel feek ya Steven!

I cant really understand how people reach to this point of thinking!

I think when it comes to their homelands all their minds are changed, and they will never adopt their current point of view.

At 9:05 PM, June 14, 2006, Blogger he who is known as sefton said...

It may well be that Steven and I would disagree about whether that by-now world-wide-circulated "news" clip smacked more of Weimar impressionism than Italian neorealism.

I think we can agree it was contrived.

Okay, so the Palestinians on behalf of Islam blew off a "once-in-a-millennium" opportunity.

For a hint about how those people, now struggling to "dispose" of the Israeli problem now come across to the rest of the world, consider checking out the post at the other end of the hyperlink:

.he who is known as sefton

At 10:49 PM, June 14, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

... Steven.. Translation of " wallah niyyal... "
this is arabic but written in English words. Translation : Isreal must be very glad to have someone like you steven.

Sefton... I didnt understand your point !

At 10:54 PM, June 14, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

From where did u hear that the ppl kiled in Gaza were not civilians ?? Havent you seen the tapes on all media or it was made by Hamas ?

At 2:12 AM, June 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i second what 7ala said
"wallah neyal israel feek ya Steven"

At 8:41 PM, June 17, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

Steven, Do you think that Palestinians trust it either ?

Or do you think we trust the American role in this peace process , which surely supports Isreal all way long ?

At 9:04 PM, June 17, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

"I'm convinced this was from an Israeli shell," Garlasco said Wednesday in a telephone interview. He said the main question still open is where it came from and when — was it fired by an Israeli artillery piece, as Palestinians charge, or was it buried in the sand, either on purpose by militants, as Israel alleges, or left over from an earlier attack?

Garlasco was the first independent expert to examine the scene, though Israel has doubts about his conclusions and about Human Rights Watch. He was in Gaza doing research for the human rights group when the explosion killed eight people on Friday afternoon, seven of them relatives.

Garlasco is a former intelligence specialist battle damage assessment officer for the Pentagon who has studied conflicts in Bosnia and Iraq. He rankled the Israeli government with a highly critical HRW report on destruction of houses in the Rafah refugee camp in Gaza in 2004. Israeli officials consider the human rights group biased in favor of the Palestinians.

Garlasco said he concluded the explosion was caused by a 155 mm shell of the type Israel uses. He viewed shrapnel collected from the scene by a Palestinian ordinance disposal unit, and in X-rays of Palestinians wounded in the blast.

Maj. Gen. Meir Klifi, who headed the Israeli investigation, said tests on the shrapnel removed from the body of a girl in an Israeli hospital proved it was not from a shell.

"I'm sure that all over that beach there is shrapnel," he told The Associated Press on Wednesday. "So no wonder that there is 155 mm shrapnel to be found."

At 11:24 PM, June 17, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

Who really killed Huda Ghalia`s family?

By Chris McGreal
The Guardian

At 6:26 PM, June 18, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

hello steven..
thanks for your really long reply

check my new post at my other blog :

At 9:18 AM, June 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is now becoming clear that, despite the claims of the Palestinians and the international media's rush to blame Israel, the deaths of seven Palestinian civilians on a beach in Gaza on 9 June were not caused by the IDF. Investigations by the IDF and others over the past few days have revealed new evidence that a Hamas mine was in fact the cause of the beach blast:"

Now that this is verified, can we expect Hamas to start a campaign of terrorist Jihad against ... Hamas?

This is not the first time Hamas has killed Palestinians. Why is it not condemned with outrage? Why are there not riots in the streets of Gaza that a hamas mortar set off bombs that killed innocent bystanders?

How come an Arab victim of Arab violence is so much less of a serious matter than from non-Arabs?

"Heartrending pictures of 10-year-old Huda Ghalia running wildly along a Gaza beach crying "father, father, father" and then falling weeping beside his body turned the distraught girl into an instant icon of the Palestinian struggle even before she fully grasped that much of her family was dead."

Okay, a victim of Hamas; let the MSM write that tragic story.

Oh wait, they will have to get hamas to actually admit doing that first, and their MSM enablers wont blow their cover. Will never happen.

At 6:22 PM, June 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes. HRW appear to be tentatively getting back to their senses.

At 12:04 AM, June 23, 2006, Blogger Eitan Ha'ahzari said...

Steven: I only read one comment by you(the one directed at me) and I've realized that the referendum is not designed in any way to bolster the chances of peace. In my opinion a tiny minority of Palestinians, such as Saba and Osaid really want any kind of peace, and no Arab or Palestinian wants peace with Israel with its current borders--the only reasonable peace where Jewish lives would not be endangered.

But Steve...just one question for curiosity's sake: do you have a job? I mean it seems like you have all the time in the world for trying to convince somebody of something they're not very likely to ever believe.

At 7:30 PM, June 24, 2006, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

Hello Steven..

Thanks for all your contributions.
Lets just drop this Gaza issue and try to get to think what is next

I believe that this story is one examle, of many, where we see the effect of media on us all.

Y dont we start affecting the media ourselves? I believe we can.

I am sorry that I've been busy the last 3 days but we are learning, arent we ?

Anyway, I am still waiting your thoughts and Ideas.

Good day


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