Thursday, June 08, 2006

Reason and Idea behind this blog- اهداف و منطلقات هذا الركن

About one month ago I started reading blogs for people all over the world. My first drive was purely professional : to search for ideas, materials and experiences of colleagues working in the field of healthcare. Sometimes I used to drop some comments on articles written by Israeli and Arab bloggers , most of which were talking about political and cultural ideas.
Believing in non-violence as the only method to bring this pointless Israeli-Palestinian conflict to an end, I decided to start this blog with one basic goal : to foster the interest in peace and non-violence as the basis for ending this crazy war.
I hope that this site will be a place for opinions from all sides.
I thought much before starting this blog and considered many ideas. Commenting on the events that we hear on news ( starting from May 2006 ) will guide my attempt to promote for a culture of non-violence.
قبل حوالي شهر ، بدأت اتصفح هذه المواقع ( البلوغز)على محرك بحث جوجل ، والتي تتحدث عن قضايا اجتماعية وسياسية عامة لكاتبيها. وقد شد انتباهي تلك الكتابات من قبل بعض الكتاب الفلسطينيين والاسرائيليين حول ما يحصل من احداث في فلسطين واسرائيل. و بعد مراجعات عديدة و تعليقات كنت اضيفها الى هده المقالات والاراء الشخصية لكاتبيها : رأيت ان ابدأ بالكتابه في هذا الركن معلقا على الاحداث التي تحصل من وجهة نظر شخصية ترتكز على فكرة اساسية مركزية : تبني مبدأ نبذ العنف والعمل من اجل مستقبل افضل للجميع. ارجو ان يكون هذا الموقع مكانا لتبادل الاراء التي من شأنها خلق بيئة تنبذ العنف وتتبنى الحلول السلمية اساسا و منطلقا للوصول الى حل لهدا الصراع الدي اهدر طاقاتنا واستنزف مواردنا جميعا


At 6:02 PM, June 15, 2006, Blogger Tsedek said...

Nice idea :)
Hopefully it'll gain volume. From both "sides"


At 11:56 PM, July 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck out there, stay out of harms way. Regardless of your political or religious beliefs, thank you for putting this blog online. Lets hope reason and logic will prevail, and not ideology, extremism, or emotion.

I want my children to grow up safe.


At 9:29 AM, November 16, 2010, Anonymous stock trading said...

If you want to believe in your 'moon god' that's your business. But when you want to force others to believe or kill them if they don't/won't, don't be surprise when someone lobbs something back at you.

At 1:15 PM, February 03, 2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is very said, espacially the way the two palestinian sides conflict. hamas and the west bank. Me, a palestinian that has lost his family when i was three, i beleive that we are supposse tto fight the jews not each other because thats what israel wants. It wants us to fight each other and kill each other so that we get to a point we finish each other and the lands are left to Israel.

Dear, person who wrote the article in the home page of this web site, i would ask you to remove the word "evil" you used to describe hamas and the bad ideas you give to others. You must feel ashamed of yourself to write these things about your brothers in hamas. they are suffering in the same way you are sufferring and you must be one hand that will kill this Israeli desease.

interesting website, but i would recommand you to do what i told you to do.

thank you

At 10:12 PM, February 19, 2017, Blogger Halı Yıkama said...

Halı Yıkama
Halı Yıkama Fiyatları


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