Ramallah 25th May : Four Palestinians killed and tens injured...
May 25, 2006
" Four Palestinians killed and seventy injured during Israeli military incursion into Ramallah Four Palestinians were killed after being fired upon with live bullets in the central square in Ramallah on Wednesday during an Israeli military incursion. One Palestinian died after being hit in the head by an exploding bullet, another after being struck in the chest by a high velocity bullet. Another seventy Palestinians were injured, fifteen severely, and five arrested "
( Source : http://www.palestinemonitor.org/nueva_web ) .
No significant official Israeli comments were reported and this ' event ' was simply ignored.
Israeli resources stated that the aim of this ' operation ' was to arrest a 'terrorist' who was hiding in a building in the center of Ramallah. The Israeli force which sneaked inside the building under cover( in civilian clothes ) was discovered and soon clashes started, resulting in 4 Palestinians killed and tens injured.

Those officials who took such a decision were surely very courageous ! Was the life of that 'terrorist' so important that the Israeli Leadership decided to take all the risk and send an armed force under cover to arrest him?
The use of civilian areas, on the other hand, by armed Palestinians is another issue of concern. We don't know if this man ( who was actually arrested ) was armed or not, but using civilian areas for ANY kind of military activity is both stupid and coward.
It is really a very sad event. The four Palestinians who were
killed were people who had no intention to share in any military act against anyone. They were civilians, shopping or passing by in a market in middle Ramallah.
How wise was it to authorize such an ' operation ' ?? Four people are killed and tens injured : who should be blamed and what lessons should be learned ??
How wise was it to authorize such an ' operation ' ?? Four people are killed and tens injured : who should be blamed and what lessons should be learned ??
First of all,I do not think that there is somthing called 'Terrorist Palestinina',Because as known palestine is under an occupation,and for any nation under occupation,struggling against the occupation must be respected and supported.
On the other hand,those struggler'Armed Palestinian'should have an enough wisdome to select the suitable ways,time,and of location ,and this is the issue,chossing such civilians areas is a stupid thing,for sure.
Hello Steven
Commenting on your last addition : Civilians killed from both sides are innocents after all, whether were walking in the streets, living in tension areas, riding back to schools or just shopping in markets or taking a bus to work. I totally disagree with you in your last point.
A nice example Steve.
It is quite complicates and every part in this struggle is seeing things in his own perspective. Palestinians think they are the oppressed and occupied nation and they have the right to defend, and Israel is seeing things as terrorist attempts and violence. Both of us know very well this cycle and going through it will not help convince anyone.
What is the solution, is the wise question.
I do not defend violence, and I do not defend those who call for it. It is that we are being convinced of certain ideas that we are not ready to change or listen to the voice of logic and reason.
The ( civilian ) who commented added much actually, because many Palestinians view fighting Israel as resisting occupation. This is a point to consider, yet I do not beieve, as many other Palestinians, that resistance is through guns and fighting.
It is utmost stupidity for us as Palestinians to consider violence as a way to build a state. All the attempts to use violence here and there are mosty individual attempts and do not represent the public attitudes : finding the reasonable ways to get out of this situation.
The 5 points proposed seem to be VERY reasonable. I will make them the focus of the next post I will write.
The 5 points proposed seem to be VERY reasonable. I will make them the focus of the next post I will write.
If innocents were caught in this, I feel for their families. One innocent dying from an Israeli gun is too many.
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