Excellent Work USA !

Yes ! This is a very wise use of the VITO !! It is supporting the rights of the minority against the overwhelming military power of the majority ! It is protecting the harmless civilians against the brutality of Tanks and Missiles of the oppressor.
Well done USA !
In behalf of all the Palestinians : Thank you so much !
The US was the only country to vote against the draft resolution put forward by Qatar on behalf of Arab nations. Ten of the 15 Security Council nations voted in favour and four, Britain, Denmark, Slovakia and Peru, abstained.The draft resolution accused Israel of a " disproportionate use of force " that endangered Palestinian civilians, and demanded Israel withdraw its troops from Gaza.
Nice to see "Palestinians" (there is no such country) can wield sarcasm so effectively.
Shame Israel is in the right here.
If your "leaders" (clowns) would just accept dual statehood and accept Israel as the legitimate nation they are (as you did by naming them), there would not be a problem.
Anonymous :
There is no such country like Palestine : surely you are right. BUT there are people who are Palestinians.
Osaid, you and I both know that justice will triumph in our regeon one day despite the efoorts of the zionists and the imperialists.
There is no way to stop the clock of progress as long as there are people like you and me (and other friends we have).
Steve :
:) :)
Did you see the banner about the CPT ( on the right ) that I designed ? Wt do you think ?
I will start a campaign with other bloggers to support the international organizations working in the WestBank, mainly CPT and ISM. ( the terrorist sponsors !! )
I am sure you will join us !!
Good day man, hope you are well.
Note : The pictures I saw on TV was very annoying : civilians killed in south lebanon and in Haifa.
Stay well
Yes, I saw the banner... I did not realise it was you that designed it.. good work.
You KNOW I will work with you and your fellow terrorists.. no question about that.
You know where to find me ;)
So, are you joining Nasrallah's War against Israel??
I would like to know what your take on is speech is??
"Harmless civilians" who elect known terrorists. "Harmless civilians" who let those terrorists operate in their midst, among their children, in their neighborhoods, and often in their homes. "Harmless civilians" who celebrate when harmless Israeli civilians suffer rocket attacks by Islamist thugs stuck in the 7th century.
It's becoming more and more clear to the world that the Palis have no identity outside of their hatred of Jews and their cultivated victimhood. Will they ever love your children and their future more than they hate Jews? Sadly, I don't think that time will ever come, and they're forever destined to have your asses handed to them by the IDF.
The problem here is Israel has never had a legitimate Palestinian Authority to negotiate with. Never.
Any deals, treaty or ceasefires can be violated by any number of Palestinian criminal orginizations and Israel's "partners in peace" can only shrug and say " You have our sympathy but it was Hamas that blew up that school bus" or "We deeply regret any loss of human life but it was Fatah that killed those 8 people in that cafe". "Oh we are are sorry but it is Hezbollah that is shooting those rockets into Haifa"
Israel has nothing to gain by bargaining with Palestinians because Palestinaians have not demonstrated the ability to so much as feed themselves let alone policing themselves.
But I am an American listen to one of your Arab brothers:
The war with Israel is over.
You have lost. Surrender and negotiate to secure a future for your children.
We, your Arab brothers, may say until we are blue in the face that we stand by you, but the wise among you and most of us know that we are moving on, away from the tired old idea of the Palestinian Arab cause and the “eternal struggle” with Israel.
Dear friends, you and your leaders have wasted three generations trying to fight for Palestine, but the truth is the Palestine you could have had in 1948 is much bigger than the one you could have had in 1967, which in turn is much bigger than what you may have to settle for now or in another 10 years. Struggle means less land and more misery and utter loneliness.
Your young people are growing up illiterate, ill, and bent on rites of death and suicide, while you, in effect, are living on the kindness of foreigners, including America and the United Nations. Every day your officials must beg for your daily bread, dependent on relief trucks that carry food and medicine into the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, while your criminal Muslim fundamentalist Hamas government continues to fan the flames of a war it can neither fight nor hope to win.
In other words, brothers, you are down, out, and alone in a burnt-out landscape that is shrinking by the day.
What kind of struggle is this? Is it worth waging at all? More important, what kind of miserable future does it portend for your children, the fourth or fifth generation of the Arab world’s have-nots?
We, your Arab brothers, have moved on.
Those of us who have oil money are busy accumulating wealth and building housing, luxury developments, state-of-the-art universities and schools, and new highways and byways. Those of us who share borders with Israel, such as Egypt and Jordan, have signed a peace treaty with it and are not going to war for you any time soon. Those of us who are far away, in places like North Africa and Iraq, frankly could not care less about what happens to you.
Only Syria continues to feed your fantasies that someday it will join you in liberating Palestine, even though a huge chunk of its territory, the entire Golan Heights, was taken by Israel in 1967 and annexed. The Syrians, my friends, will gladly fight down to the last Palestinian Arab.
Before you got stuck with this Hamas crowd, another cheating, conniving, leader of yours, Yasser Arafat, sold you a rotten bill of goods — more pain, greater corruption, and millions stolen by his relatives — while your children played in the sewers of Gaza.
The war is over. Why not let a new future begin?
If you want to know whats going on read it here
G-8 News Release on the Middle East
Today, we the G-8 Leaders express our deepening concern about the situation in the Middle East, in particular the rising civilian casualties on all sides and the damage to infrastructure. We are united in our determination to pursue efforts to restore peace. We offer our full support for the UN Secretary General's mission presently in the region.
The root cause of the problems in the region is the absence of a comprehensive Middle East peace.
The immediate crisis results from efforts by extremist forces to destabilize the region and to frustrate the aspirations of the Palestinian, Israeli and Lebanese people for democracy and peace. In Gaza, elements of Hamas launched rocket attacks against Israeli territory and abducted an Israeli soldier. In Lebanon, Hizbollah, in violation of the Blue Line, attacked Israel from Lebanese territory and killed and captured Israeli soldiers, reversing the positive trends that began with the Syrian withdrawal in 2005, and undermining the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Fuad Siniora.
These extremist elements and those that support them cannot be allowed to plunge the Middle East into chaos and provoke a wider conflict. The extremists must immediately halt their attacks.
It is also critical that Israel, while exercising the right to defend itself, be mindful of the strategic and humanitarian consequences of its actions. We call upon Israel to exercise utmost restraint, seeking to avoid casualties among innocent civilians and damage to civilian infrastructure and to refrain from acts that would destabilize the Lebanese government.
The most urgent priority is to create conditions for a cessation of violence that will be sustainable and lay the foundation for a more permanent solution. This, in our judgment, requires:
- The return of the Israeli soldiers in Gaza and Lebanon unharmed;
- An end to the shelling of Israeli territory;
- An end to Israeli military operations and the early withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza;
- The release of the arrested Palestinian ministers and parliamentarians.
The framework for resolving these disputes is already established by international consensus.
As long as militants have the power in the Palestinian polity, then I have no problem with Israel getting tough.
It is, after all, their country -- fairly and squarely. They have, since 1948, had their hand outstretched for a dual state situation. The militant Palestinians have, unfortunately, spat upon that hand.
Tell your friends to lay down their arms, accept an independent Palestinian sovereign situated next to a sovereign Israel, and get on with life.
If they choose not to and, instead, continue to target civilians....then they'll deserve what they get.
Israel has cities that are being targeted. Does anyone doubt the criminals would not do all they could regardless what Israel did. What did you expect, roses to be sent and regards to the madmen in Syria and Iran? I echo, "EXCELLENT WORK, U.S.A!"
You are sadly correct, but you neglect two points.
I work in a psychiatric hospital, and in addition to those whose thinking is disordered, we have also what are called Personality Disorders. They have often had hard, abusive childhoods, which makes it difficult for them to move on. The males of this type are what you would find in any common prison. Two of their important characteristics: it is always 100% someone else's fault. They never acknowledge even the slightest responsibility. They sometimes pretend to, but their choice of language gives them away; second, they enjoy their victim status and will not give it up, because doing so would require them to take on adult responsibility. Sad as it seems, they actually do find it preferable to be miserable.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you - the Palestinians!
Since there seems to be some Arab gene that loves death more than life, then it is incumbent upon the rest of mankind to help you accomplish your desire.
hello all
Israel used to treat Arabs as a defeated nation that should be always a less one.....I think that the Israeli demand to apply 1559 UN Resolution is no longer a demand,they want to apply it by force these days with there open war against Lebanon....Israel is learning the American model of applying UN resolutions in the region...they name there self as the Middle East police man,and want to apply what they think that serves there intrests......they seem to forget that there is 242 and 338 UN resolutions that touches them in there illegal occupation against palestinians........
I think its time now for some new rules in the region.....some new actions that awaken israel and the world remembering them that Palestinians are occupied.......that palestinian land is no longer theirs.....that 10000 palestinians are still in prison,and some of them are in prison before these three Israeli soldiers were born.....
Assistant Village I ;
Hello !
As you have stated, you have some experience working with psychotic patients. You also know, then, that this population of patients have exactly the same ethical and legal rights as do others and as do HUMANS. Just like the case with patients in coma, they have their ethical and legal rights that they might not be aware of, but it is YOUR responsibility as a peron who is knowledgable and supposedly 'taking care' of thes patients to treat thim as humans and keep their rights.
Do as you want to be done with, very simple.
Ryoushi :
The 'words of an arab brother' is surely nonsense. It deserves no comments.
Every nation has the right to be free. We have been occupied by Israel who have no legitimate or legal foundings. Simply look at the UN resolutions and the international law that have ended all this 'dispute' issue and decleared the West bank and Gaza as 'occupied' (opt) land. These people are practicing their very basic rights : they want to get rid of occupation.
I am aware of the very difficult situations and different points of views. But there are basics which cannot be suspected. Reading the comments from Steven and others who even deny our existence make one feel very bad. They are very far from reality, and they are the people stuck in the 7th century mentality, not palestinians.
if you dont like to use the word palestinians let me use : the people living in west bank , or the people living in judea and samaria. There is no point here , the only thing that makes sense here is to believe in the rights of these humans to live freely.
Steven :
OCCUPATION and making life very difficult for palestinians is what is making these people prefer death over such a life.
See what Walker says in this clip, check also what JEFF HELPER ( the jewish Israeli ) is saying..
you might understand it better if you were here
Osaid - we have been returning to this point over and over again. Khalas.
Since you ignore all and any counterpoints to your statements, there is no use in further attempts at communication.
So we won't. Please see my comment before this one for clarification. Or any of the dozens of comments on this issue, like the last one from Steve.
Ah, why do I bother? The dogs of war have indeed been let slip, and Elvis has left the building.
Steven ;
You might also want to check this briefing if you want to know more about the history of resisting occupation and oppression worldwide..
Attention all :
another issue to discuss, Raccoon, other than the usual stuff ; the CPT.
I dont know how you can give support to your claims that CPT are supporting terrorists. CPT is a very respected organization worldwide. The fact that they have been documenting the crimes of occupation will surely put them under your creticism, just like betselem and human rights watch.
If you dont want to listen to a voice coming from this nowhere ( palestine) you can listen to them..
You can surely listen to people like : jeff Helper and Gideon levy..are they supporting terror too ??
I wonder how Israel and Israelies refuse calling there crimes with their names.......Crime is a crime........but when its done by arabs,its a terror.....and when its done by Israel...:its called self defense.........
David anfinrud :
hello and welcome to this blog.
This is a place intended to discuss issues related to finding viable solutions to this pointless conflict. It is not intended to promote more hatred.
you might want to LINK some facts before spreading accusations on others. Read the bible again and you will not say : there will be no peace.
( check the shots well, they are very old ! )
"Disproportionate" seems to have become a high-fashion word lately.
I wonder what's considered "proportionate" in this case?
You shoot one qassam, I retalliate with one shell?
You shoot twenty qassams, I retalliate with twenty shells?
Is that it?
Isn't that keeping violence going, on-and-on-and-on-and-on...... ?
Tsedek :
That was cool !
The strugle between Israel and Palestinians has been simply not equal. No doubt.
As an American:
You're welcome. Glad we could help.
Do you want to live in peace?
What do you want the rest of your life to be like?
Do you want it to be spent trying to hurt other people, or do you want to enjoy it with your family (even if you have to start one)?
Oleh :
STOP ignoring the FACTS and pretending that your government is paying much attention and care in avoiding civilians. They are going crazy and mad day by day as hizbollah is showing how stupid they appear to all the world.
You can convince some people that targeting the airport and the bridges is to stop support and movement of militants. How would you justify destroying the 2 main factories in Sayda this morning ( more than 500 workers in each ) and how would you justify destroying the cows farms ( 400 cows exterminated ). All this suggests strongly that you are targeting the infrastructure of lebanon and using collective punishment again. You are doing the same stupid mistakes you have been doing in Gaza. Someone has to stand up and say NO to this insanity.
I was very pleased to hear some voice of reason in this MOST unnecessary war
Oleh :
It tells me that there are people who are aware of your government stupidities and mistakes as well as readiness to speak up to stop them. At the comments you can see some supporters too.
Moreover ; the soldiers were kidnapped in lebanese areas, unlike what you have said in your posts in this blog. What were a tank doing INSIDE the lebanese borders ?
You do serious mistakes and expect others to be wise !! How insane.
You expect lebanon to bring back the 2 kidnapped soldiers where in fact you have been ignoring hundreds of lebanese prisoners who have been rotting in Israeli prisons long before these soldiers were born. The same insanity in the 9000 Palestinian prisoners ; Shalit's life is 'more important' than palestinian's !!
President Saniora was much more understanding and wise in all his speeches. He never said he will bomb Israel to the ground nor he said he would bring you 20 years back, as your officials are saying. The same stupid mistakes arabs have been doing when they were asking the USA govt to stop giving weapons to Israel coz it's using it against palestinians is now being used by your government. They are asking Iran and syria to stop supporting the Hizb with weapons.. they are learning some lessons I guess..the wrong lessons !
I believe you have added few more millions of enemies to your enemy list by bombing beirut and lebanon this way. Your govt is totally ignoring the future.
Shlemazel :
I like your comments and posts. They are quite balanced and meaningful.
Saniora's ( PM ) speech was exactly adressing your point : Hizb is in the government and it "dragged" the whole country into crisis ( escalated into WAR by your Olmert and cabinet) without prior notice. This was Saniora's point. This should have meant something to Israel but It has NOT.
Your political leaders are used to using brutal military power to end any threat or military or political movement agaiinst them. They have been used to sending their soldiers in one order to 'kill all terrorists' or to' destroy the infrastructure of terror'. They were met by a group of unprofessional teens who carrey some m16's or other russian weapons and few granades at the best. They would finsih the 'operation' with ease and come back with ' more respect' to this' superior moral army'. It is very exciting how the Hisb is now well armed and is actually showing ability to respond back to your army. The problem is not with Hizb's missiles or IDF capabilities, leave the 2 for some time and they will kill each other ( very simple , and surely IDF will take the round ) : the problem is with your political mentality that is disgusting and lacking wisdom and vision.
If you keep looking to the world around you in this way, show people this utmost intolerance and brutality, you will surely pay the price very soon.
It makes me feel sad that these innocent people from Haifa are being targeted, the responsibility is NOT on the Hiz alone, it is shared by your political decision makers, the wise ones !
As for my stance on all this Oleh :
Many palestinians might be impressed that the Hizb is targeting military as well as civilian targets deep is Israel, and casuing much confusion in IDF. This surely does not mean our support to what is happening, especially that the Hizb has a totally different agenda that we all know who is behind it. STILL what is in common in the Israeli mentality of collective punishment, looking at arab people as subhumans, utmost arrogance and insensitivity you are bearing in mind once dealing with the arab population.
No one has regreted killing the children and babies leaving Marwaheen . Such a crime should have warranted investigations and should have pushed the Israeli govt to stop their blind military revenge, even for one hour, and think about the consequences. Interestingly ; the Hizb has targeted civilians in Tyberia and Hayfa ONLY after warning Israel from attacking south Beirot.
Osaid - you view the facts through the lens of a twisted paradigm.
This paradigm precludes communication or change to itself.
Therefore - alas! - no true communication is possible. Nor was it possible, but it is amusing to watch people miscommunicating while believing they are actually debating.
"Since there seems to be some Arab gene that loves death more than life, then it is incumbent upon the rest of mankind to help you accomplish your desire."
This comment is shameful on so many levels. Osaid, you are amazing for publishing these comments. I commend your strength to endure such blatant hatred.
Be well.
If Iran is supplying the missiles to Hezballah, If masked nudniks are crossing borders to kidnap soldiers, if Israel is SURROUNDED by irrational hate mongers, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT?
For your future reference...
It's called a veto, not a "Vito".
A little off the topic, but what the heck is in the water in the Southwest U.S.?
Double check your med box, I think someone forgot to take them.
"For your future reference...
It's called a veto, not a "Vito". "
For YOUR reference, English is not Osaid's first language, so try to appreciate what he says... not the way he spells it.
I'm neither a supporter of Israel or the other Countries of the M.E.
I wish there were some way to stop this violence, but it may have a benefical cathartic effect by the time it's over. The US is marginalized & gradually the incestuous relationship w/ Israel will be cut, or seriously damaged. Eventually, the US will discover it can no longer throw its weight around, and will be forced to take its place in the world community as another equal. Wealthy, but equal.
I didn't like Bolton appointed to the UN so don't blame me. In fact don't blame me for the whole US admin. I did'nt vote for GWB in both terms and there are 70% of the US electorate who don't like him and want him and his ilk outta DC ASAP, but unlike most of your countries we are not governed by opressive regimes and we are not governed by a gov't that is run by private militias all I can say it that it might have tons of corporate influence of the military industrial complex (yes it still exists ie Halliburton et al)
Raccoon :
Do not be judgmental man, maybe its who who have the twisted lenses !
I would want to ask you one thing : Do you approve wt is your govt doing in lebanon now ? Lets not go into many details or histories, dont you see that they are over-reacting again ? and using collective punishment again ?
Cant you see that they are not doing any good for the future of your state ?
"I wish there were some way to stop this violence, but it may have a benefical cathartic effect by the time it's over. The US is marginalized & gradually the incestuous relationship w/ Israel will be cut, or seriously damaged. Eventually, the US will discover it can no longer throw its weight around, and will be forced to take its place in the world community as another equal. Wealthy, but equal."
Looking at 160 of the 190 countries in the world, I think that it would be a comedown for the US to be equal to the rest of the world. We'll happily give up any pretense of world hegemony if you can get up to our level...other than that, don't hold your breath.
Are we witnessing the beginning of the End Game in the Middle East?
Hamas and Hizballah for decades were non-state actors imbedded in the weak government of Lebanon and the quasi government of the Palestine Authority. Hamas is now the duly constituted government of the PA, and Hizballah could be facing another diaspora.
I'm wondering if some combination of the IDF, the Lebanese Army, possibly the UN or NATO, with backing from others could push what is left of Hizballah into Syria. No one could ever argue that Syria isn't strong enough to control them.
What would we be looking at then? There would no longer be any non-state actors in this part of the Middle East. The remaining two terror supporting regimes of Iran and Syria now responsible for the acts of Hizballah, and the PA isolated and fair game when it attacks Israel. For all of the media outcry, the insurgency is losing in Iraq. The Horn of Africa countries are in horrible shape but consumed in internal battles.
Without their proxies, countries would have fewer options when it comes to attacking neighbors…and much greater expectations of reprisals. Nukes? As offensive weapons, they are only a bargaining chip before they are used...and the classic answer to one nuke is two.
A new paradigm....finally?
I am not blaming any American citizen for their gvernment's blind support to Israel. Actually I do not blame desertpeace for his govt's actions either, I do respect him as a person and as a citizen.
I know that there is a significant margin of democracy, unlike what is seen in middle east political systems. BUT you have no right to blame me for that , just like you started asking me not to blame you for Bolton or othors.
Getting to know this very particular point will make coversations and dialogue. I hope that Raccoon is reading now.. This point is for you.
I dont think we are VERY different. At the worst estimations we are different and we surely can work it out.
Raccoon : looks like you are still in your bad mood. Stay well.
Steven : Dont be angry !
Osaid -
Yes, the actions of Israel in both Lebanon and Gaza at this time are absolutely right. We were left with no choice, and are acting with maximum possible compassion under the circumstances.
I presume that you disagree? If so, how would you act if you were the Israeli government?
I am not in a bad mood as such. I am just slightly unhappy that my friends have been murdered without any provocation by terrorist, Islamist scum from the territory of another sovereign state... and yet somehow we're again the bad guys for doing the barest minimum for our self-defense.
I am also slightly disappointed by the realization that no true communication is possible between the sides; and that according to this realization, there will be no peace until one of the sides is destroyed.
Raccoon :
/..I am also slightly disappointed by the realization that no true communication is possible between the sides; and that according to this realization, there will be no peace until one of the sides is destroyed.../
You are being very passive man, cheer up !
I never thought this way.
If everyone thinks your way, life will end very soon.
/I am not in a bad mood as such. I am just slightly unhappy that my friends have been murdered without any provocation by terrorist,../
Without ANY provocation ? You have to rephrase that sentence !
Now, after the' absolutely right' interventions of your government made many other people unhappy and sad , for losing their relatives and children.
NO, Raccoon, no, your government is NOT doing the right thing.
Raccoon :
June 30, 2006
Haaretz Editorial
Bombing bridges that can be circumvented both by car and on foot; seizing an airport that has been in ruins for years; destroying a power station, plunging large parts of the Gaza Strip into darkness; distributing flyers suggesting that people be concerned about their fate; a menacing flight over Bashar Assad's palace; and arresting elected Hamas officials: The government wishes to convince us that all these actions are intended only to release the soldier Gilad Shalit.
But the greater the government's creativity in inventing tactics, the more it seems to reflect a loss of direction rather than an overall conception based on reason and common sense.
There are many people who do NOT think that your government is 'absolutely right'.. Clear your lenses man...
RAccoon :
What israel could do , that was yur question..
Well, here is an answer : ( taken from : Rabbi Michael Learner :
/..What was Israel to do?
Well, had Ariel Sharon been in power, having learned his lesson in Lebanon, he likely would have done the exact same thing he did two years ago when an Israeli businessman was captured by “the enemy”—namely, a prisoner exchange in which hundreds of prisoners are released for a single Israeli. That exchange had been asked for by Hamas and pleaded for by the family of POW Gilad Shalit, but was been rejected by the Israeli government. Please read the analysis of this error, and other articles analyzing the current situation at the daily updates of “Current Thinking” at www.tikkun.org.
The consensus among Israeli peaceniks is that both Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his Labor Party Defense Minister Amir Peretz feel the political need to show that they are “strong” and hence the invasion and attack on Lebanon is their only politically possible strategy. For the sake of their egos and their future political viability, they “must” proceed with the wild escalation of the struggle against the Lebanese people, most of whom had exercised their democratic rights by rejecting Hezbollah’s electoral appeals, voting in a government that had only a small minority of Hezbollah within it.
What could Israel still do? It could redefine these issues as minor border irritants, exchange POWS, and unilaterally announce that it will no longer hold arrestees for more than 3 days without filing formal criminal charges against those who had acted with violence and releasing everyone else, giving speedy and public trials, and punishing any soldier or Shin Bet or Aman officer who engages in torture (or, as they call it, “moderate pressure”) on detainees. It could then immediately announce its intentions to strengthen the position of Palestinian Authority President Abbas by giving to him the tax monies withheld from Hamas, and opening “final status” negotiations within two months. Meanwhile, Israel could begin dismantling the Separation Wall, and promise to rebuild it only on the lines of an international border agreed to by both sides. And Israel could unilaterally censor anti-Palestinian incitement within government-controlled media and instead begin to build a culture of non-violence and educate Israelis about the need for reparations to Palestinian refugees.../
Check the full text here
( at Desertpeace blog )
Anyone who thinks this operation(s) is about Rescuing the 3 soldiers is not listening to the ISraeli Govt.
This is far beyond that.
What we are doing today is making sure that what has been going on in the past year in Gaza, and what is currently going on in the ENtire northern part of Israel - will never return again.
BTW - Osaid, it's nice to see you support the firing of Katyushas onto innocent civilians - but I am also happy to see that you care so much for your Arab brothers that you support the firing of Katyushas into those towns as well - after all there are a LOT of Arabs living in the north including in Haifa and all around Carmiel - do you have any idea how much harm it is causeing to the Arabs in the Area??
Wake Up Osaid - Hizbullah is firing to kill as many people as possible and they don't really care who they are - Nasrallah cares only about one person Himself - he doesn't care to see Israeli Arab towns destroyed - or see the entire south of Lebanon destroyed (BTW - they rejected a cease-fire offer this evening because they thought it was to "pro-ISrael" hmmm... )
And that last comment coming from someone who just last week was wondering if 'the ovens in Poland were still working'....
So concerned about your welfare here Osaid... but ready to exterminate you on his own blog.
Oleh :
Wake up ! It si YOU who has to wake up !! Who said I am supporting the Hizb Katushas ??
Are you sure you are commenting on the right blog and the right post ??
/..What we are doing today is making sure that what has been going on in the past year in Gaza, and what is currently going on in the ENtire northern part of Israel - will never return again../
Allow me to freely express my honest opinion when I read this particular sentence :
This it total nonsense and stupidity, and arrogance !
Your governmet is doing horrible mistakes and killing tens of civilians ... has been doing so in lebanon and Gaza for long..but surely their lives are 'less important' than a Shalit or other 2 kidnapped soldiers.
You have to start THINKING in a better way, and accepting others and not only thinking about yourself.
Wake up YOU ... and stop repeating other's nonsense without thinking about them.
will u stop playing with truth? arabs in israel are victims of israel. so dont try to make use of them... stop acting as clever and others like idiots...
/Let's hope that the US and other civilized countries continues to support Israel so that the madness of the death-cult of Hamas and Hezbollah can be brought to a quick end.../
I will not include that in any of my prayers !!
Thanks and welcome to my blog
good day
Osaid -
It is futile for me to refute the rantings of this Rabbi here - they are based on false premises and wrong in so many ways it would take me an hour to write a proper response. I will not do that since it just will be ignored, as usual.
As I said, no communication is possible. More than a decade of attempts at communication have proven this to me. Our thinking is too different. Our realities do not match. Our paradigms are mutually exclusive.
I am sick and tired of refuting utter nonsense, of refuting "big lies", because there is nobody listening on the other side. And the Israelis who believe these fallacies are fanatics - people who are by definition uncapable of listening. I am tired of my words falling on deaf ears.
It's time for the language of the guns - the usual discourse of the Middle East.
I didnt say what you have implied. I do not believe that Hamas can lead the Palestinians to achieve ANYthing. It will bring us back at the best estimates.
Thanks for your input, though.
Raccoon :
Your words are not falling on deaf ears. Try to understand the starting points and positions of the other side before expecting to be listened to. I have much to say, same as you, yet I am trying to put as much time as possible is listening and hearing wt others would say and think, and WHY would they think and say that.
You are becoming desparate very easily ! Imagine how is it for palestinians who have been taking all the hits ( FISRT from the illusions of the aran nationalism and second from your govts ) ..they must have reached your conclusion long time ago !!
cheer up. It is always about changing the facts and thoughst of others that we achieve something in our lives.
Whats wrong with that man's ratings ? Why are you very judgmental ??
Try to put aside your messiah complex for a moment or two.
It's quite obvious that this site's owner is not a native English speaker. This is why I
informed him of the correct spelling of veto. He may be seeing and referring to the term many more times this year. I have faith that he can handle the small correction. Obviously, you do not.
Let's just say it was not a wise use of the VITO, in this case. ;-)
Dude, I have been at this for a long, long time...and the tremendous amount of effort needed to get through the wall of blind conviction is not something I can easily muster.
First, about the Palestinians. From the point of view of the other Arabs, you guys are nothing but a weapon, and an abominable one at that. They fail to see you as people more often than not - you were created as a weapon, and a weapon you remain. It's a sick and disgusting attitude - but it's even sicked and more disgusting that Palestinians seem perfectly happy to play along with this... insanity. I could find and link resources, but bugger it - they are there for all to see if cognitive dissonance allows. I would suggest starting with the protocols of the Arab Leaugue from the 60ies - some very interesting discussions there.
Next, about changing thoughts - what are the words of one Raccoon giving unpleasant facts against pleasant fiction like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? What are my words when measured against a whole education SYSTEM which is geared towards nothing but hate; hate of life, hate of Jews, hate of infidels... hate hate hate. A system in which everything is twisted, everything is upside down, and the main value taught is that nothing but death has any value?
"A lie will run around the world before a truth gets its boots on" - an old and absolutely true saying.
And it is entirely relevant to the words of that Rabbi. I will just address a few points in that utter fallacy of an article:
The goal of the enemy is not a bunch of bloody-handed murderers rotting justly in Israeli jails. The goal is the utter and complete destruction of Israel - and that's just for starters. There is no way around it. That is the goal of the Hizballah, that is the goal of Hamas, and that is the goal of their demented puppeteer - Iran.
To release hundreds of psychotic, incorrigible murderers in exchange for the (probably dead) soldiers would encourage the terrorists. This would make them beleive that they can do this again and get away with it.
Next - he suggests treating a massive attack against Israel, the slaying of 8 soldiers and the kidnapping of 2 more as a MINOR BORDER IRRITANT? 3 of these were friends of my family! To simply let it go would, again, encourage terrorists. These are not rational people - they cannot be talked to. In their religious madness they are incapable of reasonable thought.
The rest of his article is pure fucking bullshit. It pisses me off just reading it, it's so godsdamn fucking full of utter and complete twisted, black lies. This person should not be writing - he should be tried for fucking slander and aiding and abetting the enemy at time of war, indicted and acquainted to a big Hamas cellmate with homosexual tendencies.
This Rabbi is obviously a psychoticf fanatic - or possible some anti-Israeli religious psychoscum like Neturei Karta or something.
And by the way - I understand the starting points and positions of the other side perfectly. I have devoted quite some time to studying them. And this is precisely why I do not believe that peace is possible in the next few hundred years - or until one side is annihilated.
A little note about assorted baseless accusations against Israel:
Imagine if I would say that you, Osaid, are a pedophile. When you'd protest I'd demand proof, while spreading the word that you are a pedophile. It's not something you can really disprove, is it? In the meanwhile I'll convince people that you are indeed a pedophile, start a movement to have you tried, convince people that know you and have them testify their suspicions... and you, knowing that you are NOT a pedophile, will have tremendous difficulty disproving it - and your stuttering and indignation would be turned against you. Add to this a conspiracy theory against you that claims that anything you say in your defense is lie because you're a pedophile and are trying to cover up for yourself...
How would you feel? How would you go about defending yourself?
This is the position you're putting me in when you're asking me to refute the words of this Lerner person, or any other bullshitter for that matter.
Riri -
riri said...
"since when you care about arabs in israel? that is ironic, "
you are talking as if you know anything about me!! that is very a imressive for someone who commented on something I wrote for the first time - ok it's also really stupid!
"will u stop playing with truth? arabs in israel are victims of israel. so dont try to make use of them... stop acting as clever and others like idiots... "
How does one play with the truth?? There was nothing that I said in my comment that was a lie - I was giving Osaid well needed Facts since down in Hebron the only source of Media he has is PATV that shows how the Jews are using arab children blood to make Matza for Passover. (check out PMW - if you need more "truths" like that)
Israeli arabs are victoms of Israel?? is that why they are getting hit by hizbullah?? That makes a lot of Sense... The Israeli arab Victom syndrom/lie is something for another time - but let me assure you the only ones who think they are victoms of ISrael are those who hate Israel from the outside - not inside.
"but surely their lives are 'less important' than a Shalit or other 2 kidnapped soldiers."
If anyone thinks this it is YOUR Govt.
1. they could have had Shalit back and none of this would have happened.
2. they demand the release of 1000 priosoners for one Israeli - hmmm... 1000 to 1 who here thinks that some lives are less important - why don't we make a one to one trade??
Israel is in Gaza not only because of Shalit but because of a year of Kassams that have not stopped falling on ISRAEL since the day we left Gaza - all we learn from this, is that when Israel pulls back from an area they get attacked for it - hmm... let me think about that when I want to pull out of Judea and Sameria.
Untill you convince me and my fellow Israelis that what you want is peace and not to kill us all (doing a great job proving thr later) this will never end, and you know what - in the end - We will win - because we care about our lives (more than I can say for your Govt. about your people).
Again that last comment coming from someone who just last week was wondering if 'the ovens in Poland were still working'....
I wonder who wants to kill who??
Raccoon :
I appreciate your honesty and openness.
You have to know that I, in addition to many others, are aware of the truth. We do NOT want to fight jews or kill anyone of them, even those in the illegal settlements on our lands. There are so many people who are looking at this conflict in a more reasonable way and time is in favor of this growing minority.
Commenting on my last comments, and recommenting , and my comments now and the comments that you will probably add later mean one of many things : that we are having a dialogue and that we can really come closer to understand each others positions. The fact that we are different does NOT mean that alas ( khalas ) its over and give the initiative to the voice of guns as you said.
I am aware of the many differences we have, and it does not take much intelligence to figure out the whole situation. But this doesnt mean by anyway being passive and pessimist and give it up for 'terrorists' and 'idiots' in both sides.
nice day
DP - I hope you are not reffering to me in that statement!
Osaid -
Possibly you're right. But as I have said before, there are too many lies and too much preaching of hate.
It is extremely sad that the Gaza experiment didn't work... yet. There is still hope that Gazans will get tired of Hamas, see them for what they are and replace them with someone who's not habitually frothing at the mouth.
Until such time, however, I believe that Israel should become a fortress - finish the security barrier, equip it with MetalStorm systems against ground invasions and SkyGuard against ballistic attacks, and wait for Palestinians to grow up.
Do you have a reaction to my "pedophilia" comparison?
OY... yes I am...
Dear Osaid
I am no politician, historian or "Middle East" expert...I;m actually past understanding who's in the right and who is in the worng...especially when I look at an injured child...
all I can offer here is my sincere hope that the bloodshed stops...that the Holy Land regains its innocence and that all Palestinians and all Israelis find peace.
My prayer may not be much against the horror of whats taking place...but I hope you accept it because it is sincere.
God Bless
" To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. Luke 1:79"
Amen, Bent en neel.
Hello Ben elneel
Welcome again to my blog. :)
I was reading in your blog that day and wanted to tell you that I wanted to link to your blog.
Raccoon :
I liked that Pedophilia example ! Yet the situation in LITTLE different.
Nice day all
Raccoon : where are u now ?
Osaid -
In TA, working. Why?
And the situation with pedophillia is the same. Baseless accusations are almost impossible to refute.
Arabs inside Israel have rights, but I wouldnt agree with you that they have "best civil rights and opportunities". Arabs inside Israel are treated as second or 3rd degree citizens.
Lets not go to that area now. I do not want to upset Raccoon !! :)
As for Morality and Israel/Hizb :
Israel is not better than the Hizb in its occupation to the West Bank.
I still believe your look is somehow balanced. I do not blame Israel for every fault in the ME, it is the responsibility of the Arab countries as well.
:) Good day KSM
Osaid -
Too late, bro.
Why do you keep saying that Israeli Arabs are treated as second class citizens? Do you have anything that can substantiate this bogus claim? Do you know any Israeli Arabs?
I know lots of Israeli Arabs, Bedouins, Druze. And they are not treated as second-class citizens or anything of the sort. An Israeli citizen is an Israeli citizen - period. And it doesn't matter if you're an Arab, Circassian, Jew, Swede or Gypsy: from the point of view of Israel, you're Israeli.
And let me tell you something else: I have served with Arabs, and Druze, and Bedouins. My direct commanders were usually Bedouins, actually. I have worked for most of my Raccoonish life with Israeli Arabs. My lawyer is an Israeli Arab. The guy I buy groceries from is an Israeli Arab. The clerk that issues me a new passport is an Israeli Arab. And none of these people has any less rights than me; none of them are treated any different than me by the state (except in draft, but I know many volunteers).
A couple of days ago I sat down for a coffee with an Israeli Arab in Tiberias (he's a restaurant owner from a large and influential clan from the North). Guess what - he's pissed off with the Palestinians for giving him a bad name. He's pissed off with the fools from Umm-al-Fahem for giving him a bad name. And he's pissed off at Palestinians for no longer being able to go out to Ramallah with his Jewish friends (or without them).
And I am sure that he'd laugh at you were you to tell him that's he a second (or third) class citizen.
as for the lebanese prisoners held since b4 the israeli soldiers were captured, do you meanthis guy:
But Samir Qantar stayed in jail, although Hezbollah leader Shaikh Hassan Nasrallah promised then that he would be released in a second phase of prisoner exchange talks. But they made little progress.
//"Two years ago, the swap was bitter-sweet for us. We were happy that so many detainees were freed but sad that Samir was not among them," Lamise said.//
this guy bashed a 4 year old girl's skull in. let's leave him in jail, 'k?
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