What is happening in Gaza... In their view.

Blood on our hands
Shulamit Aloni amazed by public’s ability to get caught up in wave of patriotic zeal over Gaza op
Shulamit Aloni
Hamas men and their leaders belong to the evil camp, and their hatred for us made them cast away the rational inhibitions required of a leadership that is concerned for the wellbeing of its citizens. Indeed, Hamas’ conduct ever since the Gaza withdrawal and subsequent election victory does not merit any praise. However, Strip residents who are captives of Hamas’ leadership – women, the elderly, children, students, lecturers, hospitals, doctors, and patients – do not have to be punished with destruction, death, and bereavement because of the despicable acts of their leaders.
It is doubtful whether the method of punishment adopted by the State of Israel for some years now, in the form of targeting populated areas, dropping one-ton bombs on civilian neighborhoods, and using cluster bombs, has any effect or wisdom.
The defense minister declared that the time for war has arrived, in order to put an end to the criminal harassment in the form of murderous rockets fired from Gaza at our communities. Well, the IDF embarked on war with much force, knowledge, and advanced planning in order to sow fear and horror on Gaza civilians and leaders. And it worked for him! There, the defense minister already gained five Knesset seats in pre-election polls. The defense minister is happy, and the people - proud of their glorious army - are already resorting to exaggerated passion and are vowing to elect the hero and his party.
Yet why did he abandon Gilad Shalit? Why didn’t he secure his release before embarking on the operation? Hamas demanded the release of prisoners, and we argued that many of them have blood on their hands, yet when it comes to killing and assassinations we are much more capable than them. Within the first 24 hours of the operation we killed more than 300 people, including two innocent girls, not to mention the victims we killed between this operation and previous ones.
Why did our well organized army, with its excellent intelligence capabilities, object to the release of Palestinian prisoners, when we could send them back home and later assassinate them in the heat of the battle? After all, we are already used to assassinations from the air, sea, at hideouts, or in populated neighborhoods. Assassinate – that is, to kill and murder.
Moreover, the people who drop our bombs do not get stained with blood. Our system is simple: There is no need for evidence or for a trial. Once we decide that a certain someone is wanted, one bang and he’s gone. Recently, the army was also granted permission to kill civilians who happen to be near a wanted person; this was published in the press about two weeks ago next to a photo of a smiling army chief.
There is no doubt that had the defense minister first secured the release of our captive soldier, he would have gained more than five Knesset seats. He may have even been crowned as the king of Israel.
So why didn’t we, throughout the lull period, engage in direct or indirect dialogue in order to extend the truce or secure a better agreement?
Dropping a one ton bomb in a highly dense civilian area is not less worse than the worst act done by Hamas. Collective punishment and consciously and knowingly leveling building just because a Hamas 'leader' is there is also as bad as the worst bad thing Hamas ever done. The difference here is that Hamas is almost 30 years old, but the 'state of Israel' has been practicing this since 'very long' !
If the people who drop these tons do not get stained with blood , who really should ?? The militarry leadership ? or maybe the political leadership ? The same projections you made on Hamas leadership simply work here, but on the 'state of Israel' !
Try to look at these pictures and find 'someone' other than Hamas to blame !
War always cause suffering both parties that war, mainly civilians: women and children.
Peace to the world
bloger life, saying peace
blog content avoid words that provoke and threaten the peace
say no to war
do not support some or one of the countries involved in war, because
will enliven the war,
add a long time of war,
and of course add many victims of war.
peace peace...
peace in the world
stop war
This video at youtube proves something..
My deepest condolences to the families and civilian casualties on both sides of the conflict, but Hamas must be stopped.
Wafa Sultan on terrorism and Islam
Dr. Wafa Sultan
الله أكبر
لعنت الله علی قوم الظاالمین!
israel stooooop.
i'm very sympathize at palastian...israel is a devil of the world. Everyday i pray to the god, i hope God will give a heavy punishment to the president and all his community (Israel).
America should not follow the israel ass!! we are human, we have family, we have country, we have one heart that feel sympathize, love, caring etc.
Although we are different religion, different race, we should respect each other...The bullshit of israel army are one of the community that whole world hate.
Please boycott all the things from Israel and America(israel's the biggest supporter).The list of their product :
1. KFC,McDonald, Pizza Hut,Burger King
2. Garnier, Maybelline, Revlon, Loreal
3. Munchy's, M&M's,Mars, Nestle,
4. Whiskas (Cat food)
5. Nokia (Mobile)
6. Tommy Hilfiger
only this way we must do to make their economy down.
Thanks to all who was caring to the Palastian. May God bless us.
Is everyone so blind here?
Israel is being under attack for years. Missiles, Suiside bombers etc. All came from peacefull people of Palestine.
What do you expect??? Israeli people want to live quietly without worrying of getting on a bus, or send their children to school. So their tolerance is gone, and they decided to eliminate the problem.
And Hamas doesn't give a shit about peace. They just said that they don't agree to long time truce.
Why? becouse they don't care neither about israeli people nor palestinians.
When Hammas and other terrorist organization will disarm and stop trying to fight Israel, everybodys life will get much better.
Just take as exampe the IRA (Irish Republican Army), They fought British for years, and achieved nothing except death from both sides. They finally decider to disarm. And now they even have representation in British goverment. The killing was stopped.
Palestinians... learn from IRA. The violence is not the answer. Stop it, and the othe side will stop it to.
Hello andrew
Thanks for your comment and input
I do agree with almost all what you said.
I dont think that you are understanding Hamas in the right way. You cannot simply view them as " terrorists ". I do have many criticism to Hamas , but after all they are a 'fraction' of the Palestinians.
Dont u think so ?
Its sadden me when the isrelite still cant understand what the word 'peace' means..
Hamas just want to stood up defending their nation but i know not all do agree..
Peace to the world..
can i know about palestine and israel wars???
my school will make a palestine day next week so i need some information for that day..
we want to help palestine againts the israel...
can you??
passo per caso nel tuo blog
un saluto from Italy, ciao
you all don't know history!
Jews were thrown out of Europe to the middle east since there were murdered and discriminated there... before jews came to middle east there was british army and forces occupying palestine, jordan,egypt... as british were leaving they promised jews a land of their own in palestine... now after freeing most of arabs countries from british army still jews were joining and arriving to palestine and they built their own illegal settlements as they were supported by british army.
jews not only occupied palestine but they tried to steal lands also from Egypt, sirya, and jordan... in 1948 israel was announced as a jews state but was announced in middle of wars as an illegal country. during years israel has forced to give up lands to egypt as senai desert was occupied and for peace and was also forced to share water with jordan instead of stealing it all for peace but today israel is still not to give up golan to sirya for peace.
as today USA is supporting the occupation of israel to the arabs lands by giving israel 2.7 billion$ each year including weapons.
as hamas established in 1990's as a defense against israel's military actions that were murdering palestinians forcing them to leave their homes... and until today we can still hear that israel ruining homes in Jerusalem in a try to build another jews settlement... palestinians were forced to leave their lands and live in lebanon and jordan still those palestinians have the hope to get their land back and get back to their homes and to their own free country of palestine!
there should be peace... no one should have to suffer....
Do you even know what a hicorydickory clock is?
I adore you.
am power with you
i just can't see why people support israel. all they did was to steal palestain from their original residents, just like the europian colonial masters did in americas and asia. and see this statistics? http://www.ifamericansknew.org/
dropping bombs in civilian-populated areas isn't a very efficient way to defend yourself against hamas, is it? that is, unless you want to eradicate the people there
God gave the Israeli Jews the land they occupy in her role as a real estate broker, it’s one of her side lines, she has also given me the west coast of America, she appeared to me in a vision and told me this land is rightfully mine and I have wrote this down in a book which can be shown to anybody who questions it as irrefutable proof it’s true. I am rounding up some tanks and guns to go and take the land by force and clear out anybody who is already there and anybody who resists will be a terrorist and I will have the right to defend myself. All you who resist will be the murders and if any of your innocent people get killed when I am defending myself it will be your fault, you will have killed them!!! You will also be an anti-letmedowhateverthehellIlikeist. I will also turn the rest of America into a prison and build barriers around it and make it so that they have to smuggle their supplies in underground tunnels and don’t even have an adequate supply of water to irrigate their land. I am sure the American government will sympathise and whole heartedly support me, they do with Israel and I know God herself will be on my side!!! She always is!!! I am her chosen person!!!
By the way I was only joking about God been a woman everybody knows she/he is a man and about invading the west coast of America even though God did give me the land and I have the right to do so, but I don’t want where I am posting from to get an air strike and end up indefinitely occupied, perhaps I will leave it a couple of thousand years, the book that proves it is my right to do so will count as irrefutable proof that this is the case even more so by then than it does now! It’s the kind of evidence that just gets better with age!
Your blog posts were very helpful to my understanding of Israel and Palestine. Although I studied Israel and Palestine through books, articles, and videos, I could never get the thoughts and opinions from the person who is actually involved in the conflict. However, by reading your blog posts I can understand how the conflicts in Israel and Palestine are from the first person’s view, and the life of people in that area.
I also agree on your opinion of opposing wars and violent movements that are being suggested to solve the conflict. Conflict must be handled through negotiations and peaceful movements.
Assalamualaikum to all the muslims , and hello to everyone .
I'm just a fifteen year old kid studying in a science boarding school in Malaysia and maybe you guys think I KNOW NOTHING .
But guess what , this kiddo's got something to say .
From what I've heard , learned , or watched . WAR is not the answer .
I guess that's a basic thing , but i'm just gonna say , STOP WAR .
Its sad to see our family (palestinians) being murdered .
In Islam , everyone who is a muslim , is a family . So basically , Islam is a family . Usrah we call it . But why do you Israels wanna tear us down ?
Because of money ? Because of fame ? Because of wanna be rich and monopoly the worlds economy ? Have a heart ! Please .
I'll never stop praying for my muslim family . I'm here waiting , for hope to shine .
But I guess nobody understands how sad it is to see a part of your family member being shot and stabbed . Whats worse , its on youtube . Man , that sucked . Well anyways , I've let go how I felt .
And i'll never stop praying for palestinians . Amin amin ya rabbal alamin .
My deepest condolences to the families and civilian casualties on both sides of the conflict, but Hamas must be stopped.
halı yıkama
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thanks bro for this information, visit back to Download Ebook Gratis, god bless you :)
Here's my small suggestion in the cause of peace:
do not support some or one of the countries involved in war, because
will enliven the war,
add a long time of war,
and of course add many victims of war.Iam very sad to see this blog.
For my Research class at the University of Rhode Island I am writing about how the uprooting of Palestine’s olive trees has had a detrimental effect on both Israel and Palestine’s political, social and economic relations with one another. If anyone living in either Palestine or Israel had any first hand account experiences/opinions/input on the matter that would be greatly appreciated!
please respond:http://israelpalestine4.blogspot.com/
Thanks for admin, onlinedizi izle
Bunun yanında doktorlar izle'yebilirsiniz..
I feel sad for those children suffering from war. It seems like they are not having a future that is for them.
for a blog that promotes such a beautiful message of peace through nonviolence, i am appalled by some of the VIOLENT comments.
What about all the Jewish kids that have suffered? The IDF aims to minimise the suffering of the innocent. Hamas seeks to maximise the suffering of the innocent. The distinction is clear.
Hamas isn't the only terrorist Israel has also been using Terrorist tactics targeting citizens on purpose as retaliation. As long as the death toll rises both Israel and Palestine will continue to attack each other they need to set a peace and the U.S. should Be enforcing peace instead of providing 3 Billion dollars in Military Aid. Most of this Aid goes to Israel starting wars in the middle east and keeping control to be safe. But it wouldn't have to do this if Israel would start talking to Palestinian government and set a truce of some sort.
Christian, please stop talking absolute garbage about what we do in Israel... I live here and you are about as clueless as a sheep... run along now please and stop showing your weakness by making bullshit statements that mean nothing....
If you guys wanna solve the Israeli Palestinian conflict you better join The Conflict game. You can declare peace or war on Israelis ! do it its free on facebook
No one told you about the Israeli childrens who murderd by the Gaza's terror attacks?
Israel responds to terror and to threat, and when israeli people got hurt some days ago in a bus terror attack we had to stop and find the terrorists.Evrey sane country will do that.
So when israeli soliders go to Gaza and kids there are running to them with the grenade they have to protect theirselves.
idk what israel want from palestine, in fact there is no israel country, they come to palestine land, and stealling their land, killing all ppl including child, women, old man/women like a mad man.
hope 1 day, and hope the day will come when Palestine ppl will get their peace
.. sad.
fuck to israeil...
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Thank you ...
Thank you for this lovely article. halı yıkama
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