Saturday, January 03, 2009

Israel's war in Gaza , 450 killed and 2200 injured ... What's next ?

Today is the sevenths day in Israel's war in Gaza. Until now 470 killed and more than 2000 injured. Israel's target is to " stop Hamas from firing rockets from Gaza "

Few months ago a truce started between Hamas and Israel. Almost all observers reported that Israel in many occasions started breaking the truce agreement in many ways, the last was through closing the borders in Gaza , stopping all forms of life there.

As usual, most of the casualties are civilians.

Israeli leadership, if willing, could have avoided this war through keeping the truce with Hamas. Hamas, this time, is not the major player, Israel decides and hamas replies.

Thousands of tons of bombs fell on many ' targets ' in Gaza, and the results were seen in the media .

Having started these airstrikes, there is no other choice for the Israeli leadership other than invading Gaza again. In this case the casualties will be extra few hundreds of civilian casulaties.

Hamas's only choice is to fight Israel. No other choice. Palestinians , who elected Hamas in the last legislative elections will also support hamas. Even the modest Palestinians will find themselves supporting Hamas in a way or another.

The question is : will Israel terminate Hamas in gaza ? Of course not
What will the political situation be after this war ? For sure this is uncertain, but the future of the Palestinian issue will surely DIFFER after this ' war '.

Those who live in the region and know Israel's history and Palestinian responses, will surely know that this war will not serve Israel in any way.

Unfortunately, civilians are the first to lose .

Another BLACK page in Israel's history.


At 10:28 PM, January 03, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:54 AM, January 05, 2009, Blogger liyana said...

Salam Osaid..
I don't know how to help your country even I could feel the suffering that faced by Palestinians..What I can do is only pray to Allah. May Allah save your country and show His great power on the zionist israel. Boycote US and Israel!FREE PALESTINE!

At 11:22 PM, January 05, 2009, Blogger CochiseandSpurLethr said...

Osaid ignore ignorant Ziloonist Idiots like that her mentaly and the like is why there is war over here now. And I am A pentacostal Christian Arab. People like her can boast all that ignorance from across the ocean and they dont know nothing going on over here. Jesus said my people perish for lack of knowledge. She is BLIND!!!Christians like her give Christians like me a bad image..I am typing this from Abu Snan in Northern Israel. While she is typing probably from New york or some where in Virginia. Etc. Osaid great site. Keep up the good work..

At 8:06 PM, January 08, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Osaid,

I've read some history books.
I didn't mean that 150 years ago there were no people in this area. Of course people lived here for thouthand years.
Just for example:

A famous author Mark Twain's visit to Lebanon, Syria, and the Holy Land in 1867 was published in "The Innocents Abroad", where he described Palestine as follows:

"..... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent mournful expanse.... a desolation.... we never saw a human being on the whole route.... hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."

Quote: "Who Built the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron ? Its father Abraham, father of arabs and jews."
So you do agree that jews lived on this land and not just came here in last century and stole the land from arabs. Jews also have rights on this land.

At 1:49 AM, January 09, 2009, Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

hello salvik

of course jews lived here long time ago. I never said jews never existed here. And I never said they never have any rights to exist here.

In Hebron for example, jewish history extends to thousands of years as far as i know.

At 1:51 PM, January 09, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that palestinians could only benefit from peaceful relationship with Israel. But when organization like Hammas is trying to enforce its will on everyone, nothing good will come from it.
Take a simple example... what Hammas did to Fatkh activists in Gaza!!! There were hunting and murdering therir own people.
So the current operation in Gaza is against Hammas and NOT the palestinian civilians. But the Hammas cowards are hiding behind women and children. They fire missles from their houses. So when hitting the Hammas activists, some civilians die. Don't think that people in Israel are singing in joy when innocent people get hurt, they are not.
Also pay attention to the fact that the operation goes on only in Gaza where Hammas is, and not in West Bank!!! This is also a proof that the operation is against Hammas and not the palestinian people.

Take a look at this video. With Hammas ruling.... there will be no peace.

At 2:28 AM, January 10, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop saying Israel Say IsraHell , in you writing , chat , talk , conversations and artwork .

we lunched this campaign , to show the world how illegal israhell is .

Please write an Article , POST , make an Artwork about this new name of IsraHell .

Please forward the message and say IsraHell .

At 10:19 AM, January 10, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:08 AM, January 10, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

first sorry for my english!ya free palistine...they will win!!we will see!!soon or far!!im sure...when god say muslims are winner,MUSLIMS R WINNER!!ya...god says to IRAN most of the people with palistine...but they cant do anything..just pray..pray!

At 11:12 AM, January 10, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so sorry for ISRAEEl!!!israel means killer!!ya...who says israel real?!!!!im so sorry for u!im sur ur country doasnt show real things that happen in palistine!!!MUSLIMS are winner!!dont believe????search on HISTORY!!!!

At 7:32 PM, January 10, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymouse...

"MUSLIMS are winner!!dont believe????search on HISTORY!!!" ...
All I see in hystory of islam is killing in the name of god...
Kill the infidales, isn't what the koran says?
Trully peacefull religiion

At 2:54 PM, January 20, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quoted here..

"To Anonymouse...

"MUSLIMS are winner!!dont believe????search on HISTORY!!!" ...
All I see in hystory of islam is killing in the name of god...
Kill the infidales, isn't what the koran says?
Trully peacefull religiion"

why dont u read Al-Quran before u judge something dat u r not so sure..
Its really unfair to judge..
it is like ur saying it is raining when all u could c is just bright and shiny day..

im not giving my thought as a Muslim but also the human right..
Free Palestin..
We r not living in a world with no rules to obey..
We r civilized..
Is killing people who r actually the actual owner of the land consider as civilized??

May Almighty Allah bless Palestinian n u Osaid..

At 6:26 AM, February 16, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an American I have seen and heard both sides of this aurgument/war. I don't believe what are country is doing is the correct choice. I disagree with aiding Isreal especially the reasons of why we are aiding Isreal. At the same time I don't believe Palestine should get our/the world's support as well. Both sides in this conflict/war are trying to become the victim, but in all reality both sides are the aggressors. Yes, you guys might call me nieve for i don't live in a land being bombed ever day or invaded, but i do realize in reading all these comments/, that both the Jews and the Palestinians don't want to take anitiative to end this conflict and maintian peace. Istead both sides want to get even. As Gandhi said, "An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind." I'm going to end this comment with this, and i want both sides to seriously think about this, You guys have gone through more in one year than I have ever gone through in my whole life, but you guys also have the power to end this war by putting yourself in the other's shoes. You both are the victims, but you both are also the aggressors, and it's up to no one but yourselves to end this conflict and seek for peace. As a Christian the only thing i can do it pray for you guys, and I will continue to praying for both the Jews and the Muslims.

At 6:49 AM, February 16, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for the misspelling it's late and i didn't read through what i wrote. But what i said still stands

At 5:20 AM, March 04, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish it was over too many people are dying.

At 1:40 AM, March 17, 2009, Blogger Unknown said...

The solution to the problem is so simple and just-backup from the occupation and mind your own country's business. There lies the future of Israel.

At 1:47 AM, January 14, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I <3 Jesus Christ!

At 9:18 AM, June 02, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will have you know that it is a well kept secret that Surgeons from Palestine are training in ISRAELI hopsitals so that they can go back to their own and do procedures. IT is a well kept secret because it is also a known fact that arabs do not want a peace between Israel and Palestinians.
Too bad individuals within the two countries are scretly cooporating on many levels - you won't here about it! You can villify Israel all you want. There is PROGREE towards peace being made by individuals. This won't be stopped!

At 5:20 AM, June 10, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paliestines and israel will be at fight all the days of their lives, why? because it's written. Muslims until this day are still fighting for the birthright, well guys the promise was given to Issac, even though ishmael was born first, the promise was given to issac, and what God gives God does not take away. They will be at fight all the days of their lives. All i can say is that if it's written why think so much of it? I'm not a jew nor a muslim, i'm christian, and what i can say is that people can choose to trust Jesus Christ is their personal savior, and most beautiful of all, take his unconditional love and grace. He will not ask you to give your son to have bombs strap in his waist. Instead he gave his son to die for you regardles of who you are. He died for the opportunity his just waiting to give him a chance. :)

At 2:10 PM, October 21, 2010, Anonymous insurance quotes said...

every human being like me and you would be deeply moved to see,hear the brutalities and crualities perpetrated by the wicked islaelite govt and would be paid a grave concern over it.

At 11:36 AM, November 10, 2010, Blogger Unknown said...

Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.

At 11:37 AM, November 10, 2010, Blogger Unknown said...

Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try "delousing" the closet in your own room.

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At 10:43 PM, February 02, 2011, Blogger Unknown said...

oh so sad,
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At 7:08 AM, March 01, 2011, Anonymous Christain tour to Israel said...

Israel is a god blessed country where we can be able to be more near to our Lord Jesus. The sanctified land of Israel is approved and acknowledged as Eretz Yisrael in Hebrew. Now this is the time to choose where to go for an enjoyable trip.

At 10:09 AM, April 02, 2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...

suck yahudi........................assalamualaikum....iam support palestine .......

At 6:51 AM, June 01, 2011, Blogger Christian said...

Only way is if the United States starts to intervene in Israel's wars. Because Israel is going about this the wrong way as long as the death toll rises Hamas will continue to have hatred towards Israel it is getting worse and worse. Israel need to begin talking with Palestinian officials to meet some kind of resolution but war is not the answer. to me Israel looks like it doesn't want to talk just wants to annex land.

At 11:10 AM, June 13, 2011, Blogger haplo said...

If you guys wanna free Palestine join the war ! The conflict on facebook ! it starting to be hot now

At 4:16 AM, November 23, 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illuminaties Anti-Christ want the new world order to be in Israƫl . Money sionist U.S.A media Wall Street financial bankers control ONU controls all to have a WWIII on planet earth . So wake up everybody and pray for better world ..


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