Tuesday, January 06, 2009

What is happening in Gaza... In their view.

Blood on our hands

Shulamit Aloni amazed by public’s ability to get caught up in wave of patriotic zeal over Gaza op
Shulamit Aloni
Hamas men and their leaders belong to the evil camp, and their hatred for us made them cast away the rational inhibitions required of a leadership that is concerned for the wellbeing of its citizens. Indeed, Hamas’ conduct ever since the Gaza withdrawal and subsequent election victory does not merit any praise. However, Strip residents who are captives of Hamas’ leadership – women, the elderly, children, students, lecturers, hospitals, doctors, and patients – do not have to be punished with destruction, death, and bereavement because of the despicable acts of their leaders.

It is doubtful whether the method of punishment adopted by the State of Israel for some years now, in the form of targeting populated areas, dropping one-ton bombs on civilian neighborhoods, and using cluster bombs, has any effect or wisdom.

The defense minister declared that the time for war has arrived, in order to put an end to the criminal harassment in the form of murderous rockets fired from Gaza at our communities. Well, the IDF embarked on war with much force, knowledge, and advanced planning in order to sow fear and horror on Gaza civilians and leaders. And it worked for him! There, the defense minister already gained five Knesset seats in pre-election polls. The defense minister is happy, and the people - proud of their glorious army - are already resorting to exaggerated passion and are vowing to elect the hero and his party.

Yet why did he abandon Gilad Shalit? Why didn’t he secure his release before embarking on the operation? Hamas demanded the release of prisoners, and we argued that many of them have blood on their hands, yet when it comes to killing and assassinations we are much more capable than them. Within the first 24 hours of the operation we killed more than 300 people, including two innocent girls, not to mention the victims we killed between this operation and previous ones.

Why did our well organized army, with its excellent intelligence capabilities, object to the release of Palestinian prisoners, when we could send them back home and later assassinate them in the heat of the battle? After all, we are already used to assassinations from the air, sea, at hideouts, or in populated neighborhoods. Assassinate – that is, to kill and murder.

Moreover, the people who drop our bombs do not get stained with blood. Our system is simple: There is no need for evidence or for a trial. Once we decide that a certain someone is wanted, one bang and he’s gone. Recently, the army was also granted permission to kill civilians who happen to be near a wanted person; this was published in the press about two weeks ago next to a photo of a smiling army chief.

There is no doubt that had the defense minister first secured the release of our captive soldier, he would have gained more than five Knesset seats. He may have even been crowned as the king of Israel.

The public’s ability to get caught up in a wave of patriotic zeal because of the IDF operation is amazing. I remember how, upon embarking on the Second Lebanon War in 2006, many of my sane and enlightened friends cried out with joy: “Finally, a just war.” I believe we all remember how it ended.

So why didn’t we, throughout the lull period, engage in direct or indirect dialogue in order to extend the truce or secure a better agreement?


Dropping a one ton bomb in a highly dense civilian area is not less worse than the worst act done by Hamas. Collective punishment and consciously and knowingly leveling building just because a Hamas 'leader' is there is also as bad as the worst bad thing Hamas ever done. The difference here is that Hamas is almost 30 years old, but the 'state of Israel' has been practicing this since 'very long' !

If the people who drop these tons do not get stained with blood , who really should ?? The militarry leadership ? or maybe the political leadership ? The same projections you made on Hamas leadership simply work here, but on the 'state of Israel' !

Try to look at these pictures and find 'someone' other than Hamas to blame !

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Israel's war in Gaza , 450 killed and 2200 injured ... What's next ?

Today is the sevenths day in Israel's war in Gaza. Until now 470 killed and more than 2000 injured. Israel's target is to " stop Hamas from firing rockets from Gaza "

Few months ago a truce started between Hamas and Israel. Almost all observers reported that Israel in many occasions started breaking the truce agreement in many ways, the last was through closing the borders in Gaza , stopping all forms of life there.

As usual, most of the casualties are civilians.

Israeli leadership, if willing, could have avoided this war through keeping the truce with Hamas. Hamas, this time, is not the major player, Israel decides and hamas replies.

Thousands of tons of bombs fell on many ' targets ' in Gaza, and the results were seen in the media .

Having started these airstrikes, there is no other choice for the Israeli leadership other than invading Gaza again. In this case the casualties will be extra few hundreds of civilian casulaties.

Hamas's only choice is to fight Israel. No other choice. Palestinians , who elected Hamas in the last legislative elections will also support hamas. Even the modest Palestinians will find themselves supporting Hamas in a way or another.

The question is : will Israel terminate Hamas in gaza ? Of course not
What will the political situation be after this war ? For sure this is uncertain, but the future of the Palestinian issue will surely DIFFER after this ' war '.

Those who live in the region and know Israel's history and Palestinian responses, will surely know that this war will not serve Israel in any way.

Unfortunately, civilians are the first to lose .

Another BLACK page in Israel's history.

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