Monday, April 02, 2007

Any Hope with the new Palestinian Government ?

Last month was very important in the history of Palestinians. For the first time a government is formed from more than one single party. I cant know whether this is a sign of 'maturity' or a mere dictation of the Arab and international society.

The new Palestinian government, which includes in its representation more than 95 % of the Palestinian voters has so many local and international duties. Forming this unity government itself is the biggest achievement on the local Palestinian level. Internationally, this government is expected to behave like governments and be engaged in the international society.This is such a historical moment where the decisions of this government, IF ANY, will represent , persumbly, the real Palestinian demands and hopes. The USA and EU will surely have no choice but to support this government.There are precious moments for us ( Palestinians ) now to regain the international trust and regain our image as a " people " struggling for their freedom and independence.

I cant think of any better chances for us as Palestinians if we miss this very valuable chance. This might be the best time for us to DO many things. Israel is the weakest part here, no doubt.We are all still waiting what will this government come up with. At the worst estimations this government is expected to do just NOTHING. If it succeeded in maintaining itself and forming certain positions that represent all Palestinians then this would be an achievement itself.We , and everyone, is watching .

Lets hope that the voices of reason from inside the government prevail.....

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