Tuesday, October 17, 2006

What is it like in Palestine now ?

Working in one of the biggest hospitals in Palestine, namely in Hebron, I have seen MUCH during the past 2 months. Starting from October the first almost 90% of the teachers in govermental schools started their strike. Since then all palestinian students are NOT going to their schools , except for few schools where students and their teachers stay for 2-3 hours then they leave. The Palestinian Ministry of Health has been on strike since then ,too. ALL govermental hospitals stopped receiving patients ( except for urgent cases ) and the whole health sector in the country is devastated. Even vaccinations are not being given . Some health centers open their doors only for 2 hours to give vaccinations to children, only tens receive the vaccinations and thousands are left to suffer from this 'strike'.

I believe that this 'strike' puts ethical and logical questions that needs to be answered by us ( as Palestinians ). It is not the political dimension I am talking about here, but it is this mentality that is putting the lives of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in danger so as to 'achieve' some political goals !

I think that we have to restart evaluationg our abilities as a 'nation' that can handle building a 'state' : something we have been asking for since long.

What is happening here is not only shameful and stupid, it is a very dangerous situation that needs second thoughts from everyone of us.

Being ready to keep on with a "strike" that is treating the people worse than occupation, is something that means only one thing : we are VERY close to a civil war .

May God forbid .....

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